Artist Scott de Lautour

Scott is a New Zealand born multifaceted artist with a background in Art history, Fine Art & Graphic design. Scott has created bodies of work and exhibited in Australia , Sweden, Paris France & New Zealand. The New Zealand production began in 2015 and is open to the public for the first time at the upcoming 2023 Open Studios.

"Mostly I just dive in and use experience to play with color & form then allow things to become things as the painting unfolds, working in this way the paintings often become more than anything I could have premeditated. At the heart of it I'm searching for Humaness both enigmatic & profound and a hint of the times we are in. I want to give the viewer art that's interesting to look at , something unique and original that's outside of everyday life & completely open to interpretation"

Mediums: Collage, Drawing, Drawing - Pen and/or ink, Drawing – Charcoal, Drawing – Pastel, Mixed media materials, Painting, Painting - Board, Painting – Acrylic, Painting – Aerosol, Painting – Canvas, Painting – Oil, Painting – Watercolour
Showing work at:
You Key Art
Contact the Artist:

Phone: 0273322020

