Number 7 Godwin Crescent is on a tree-shaded, heritage-listed street featuring aspects of California Bungalow/ Art Deco design. The studio behind the house is where paintings will be displayed as well as under a verandah and covered deck. You are welcome to wander around our productive garden. In addition to paintings for sale some produce, seedlings and garden art may be available for purchase. Refreshments provided.

Working Studio

Studio Manager: Alex Czerwonka

Wheelchair accessible

Open all year round, by appointment

Art suitable for a general audience

Address: 7 Godwin Crescent, College Estate, Whanganui 4500, New Zealand (get directions)

Featured Artists

Alex Czerwonka

Opening Hours during AOS

10:00 am – 5:00 pm

10:00 am – 5:00 pm






Please contact us for opening hours outside of the March AOS event.