Coin’s art has grown alongside the transitions that have shaped her life.
Health challenges, shifts within her family, her move from Shanghai to New Zealand, a season
spent in Canada, and the far-reaching effects of the pandemic have all deepened her awareness
of life’s impermanence and the unpredictability of the world around us.
In times of dislocation and feeling like an outsider, painting has become her way of seeking
connection and finding solace.
Her work draws inspiration from the quiet beauty of history’s passage, with recurring motifs like
ancient architecture, timeless sculptures, weathered ruins, and the natural grace of waves and
rocky shores.
These images allow Coin to reflect on how different cultures have expressed the same enduring
themes, while also capturing the gentle marks left by time—a history worn smooth by the
You can see my work at
Coin’s Corner
Contact Coin Qian
Phone: 022 081 5461